Privacy Policy

In compliance with the Federal Law of Protection of Personal Data in the Possession of Private Individuals, as well as its corresponding regulations (altogether, the "law"). Maquinados Industriales Diseño y Servicios Alternos, S. de R. L. de C. V. Hereinafter "The Responsible", Address in Avenue Rio Bravo 1499, Parque Industrial Rio Bravo in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, and website at, is responsible for the use and protection of your personal data, and in this regard, we inform you as follows:

"The Responsible" collects your personal data that you freely and voluntarily provide. Exclusively to identify yourself, to allow you to get into The Responsible facilities. The company has implemented security action and may require you to show official ID, including the use of closed circuit television, as well as video surveillance cameras. Therefore, with your entrance to our facility, you are manifesting tacitly consent to have your image and your voice monitored and recorded, for the purposes mentioned above.

For the above, your personal information will be used for your identification purposes in any type of business you perform with the company.

Also we inform you that you can be video recorded by the cameras of this company, the images and sounds captured will be used in order to prevent a crime and for the safety of you and the staff of Maquinados Industriales Dieseño y Servicios Alternos S. de R. L. DE C. V.

For more information about the use of your personal data and rights that can go to the offices located at Avenida Rio Bravo 1499, in the Rio Bravo's Industrial Park in this Juarez, Chihuahua City.


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